All posts filed under: Recipes

Vegan Parmesan Cheese

VEGAN PARMESAN CHEESE | V, GF When I stopped eating dairy products, I knew that I would have to find a replacement for parmesan cheese.  Marc is officially addicted and in my research, the obvious replacement was to use nutritional yeast.  At first, we tried it by itself, but it’s definitely better when you add […]

Homemade Hummus

Homemade Hummus {Vegan}

HOMEMADE HUMMUS {Vegan} I’ve always loved hummus, or houmous, which is an Arabic word meaning chickpea.  Since I’ve begun eating a plant-based diet, I find that I eat this Superfood Dip almost everyday.  So I decided to get back to basics – mashed chickpeas, tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and garlic and make Homemade […]